Comparative study of intermolecular interactions by acoustic properties of a-bromoacetophenones and coumaran-3-ones in ethanol and dioxane solvents

S. S. Aswale, P. B. Raghuwanshi, D. T. Tayade, S. R. Aswale
2007 Zenodo  
Department of Chemistry, Lokmanya Tilak Mahavidyalaya, Wani, Dist. Yavatmal-445 304, Maharashtra, India E-mail : sraswale@sancharnet. in Brijlal Biyani Mahavidyalaya, Amravati-444 604, Maharashtra, India Mahatma Fuley Mahavidyalaya, Warud, Dist. Amravati-444 906, Maharashtra, India Manuscript received 13 September 2006, accepted 8 December 2006 Ultrasonic velocity and density measurement of 2-hydroxy-3-H/substituted-5-methyl-a-bromoacetophenones and 2-(4'
more » ... itutedcoumaran-3-ones were carried out in two different solnnts, ethanol and dioxane respectively for investigating solute-solvent, solute-solute interactions. These interactions were also performed in presence of CuII and FeIII metal ions at 303.15 K. The data obtained during the study is used for determining the most significant acoustic parameters like adiabatic compressibility (β) and relative association (RA). These parameters explore solute-solute and solute-solvent interactions in different solvents. In this investigation, the comparative study of effect of solvents, effect of metal ions and effect of substituents in the solute are studied on molecular interaction of the matter.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5814123 fatcat:yzxp6dmlafaflplul4mt6ocnra