Utilization of aloe vera extract as electrolyte for an accumulator

F Azmi, D Sispriatna, K Ikhsan, M Masrura, S S Azzahra, Mahidin, M D Supardan
2018 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering  
Aloe vera contains acid, which has the potential to generate electric current. The objective of this research is to study the potency of aloe vera extract as electrolyte for an accumulator. Experimental results showed that aloe vera extract has no a stable value of voltage and currency. The voltage and currency of aloe vera extract were reduced more than 50% for 60 minutes. Then, aloe vera extract was mixed with accu zuur to produce electrolyte solution. The mixture composition of aloe vera
more » ... act to accu zuur of 50:50 (v/v) generated stable voltage and currency. The experimental results showed the potential use of aloe vera extract to reduce the chemicals used in a conventional electrolyte solution.
doi:10.1088/1757-899x/334/1/012053 fatcat:usgew25p55cvzovtrqfsgyil4m