Complementary/Alternative Medicine Strategies for Prevention and or Cure of Breast Cancer: A Review

Madhwa HG Raj, Shubha K. Ireland, Allal Ouhtit, Rajiv L. Gaur, Mohamed Abdraboh, Biliran H, Prakash N. Rao, Shailaja G. Raj
2015 Womens Health International  
This is a blue pigment present in the blue-green algae, Spirulina. It has been shown to inhibit growth of MCF7 breast cancer cells, and hepatocellular carcinoma cells [17] . We have demonstrated it to inhibit rat liver toxicity and carcinogenesis induced by dibutyl nitrosamine (DMB) precursors [18] . Thus it has potent chemopreventive effects on hepatocellular carcinoma. Abstract This article reviews the current state of art in the field of phytochemicals and cancer. Various phytochemicals
more » ... ting cancer have been catalogued and their possible mode of action has been reviewed. In addition, synergistic action of combination of phytochemicals has been reviewed, with particular reference to our previous work using a 'super cocktail' of six phytochemicals in breast cancer cells.
doi:10.19104/whi.2015.111 fatcat:pv34buuxtnbljcqmnrn4uepwzu