Subject Area Study: Keywords in Scholarly Article Abstracts Graph Analysis

Anastasiia Chernysheva, Maksim Khlopotov, Dmitrii Zubok
2020 International Conference "Internet and Modern Society"  
This paper presents an approach to subject area study based on keywords extracted from scholarly article abstracts graph analysis. Initial case study -Digital Humanities, data source -Google Scholar, time interval -2013-2019. The study is in two parts. First, keywords and key phrases extraction algorithm based on the combination of four existing methods is proposed. The accuracy is up to 77% as we apply strict restrictions to the algorithm thus obtaining better results than other existing
more » ... ons provide when are being applied to such short texts as abstracts. Second, keywords graph is created, and its analysis is performed. Applied here graph theory gave an opportunity to detect the most valuable nodeskeywordsalong with subareas and closely related areas, showed some trends in Digital Humanities development. Further research proved our approach applicability to other subject areas and data sources.
dblp:conf/ims2/ChernyshevaKZ20 fatcat:whi4ugzzenh3vixdlqtgmiajlm