Polarization-basis tracking scheme for quantum key distribution using revealed sifted key bits

Yu-Yang Ding, Wei Chen, Hua Chen, Chao Wang, Ya-Ping li, Shuang Wang, Zhen-Qiang Yin, Guang-Can Guo, Zheng-Fu Han
2017 Optics Letters  
Calibration of the polarization basis between the transmitter and receiver is an important task in quantum key distribution (QKD). An effective polarization-basis tracking scheme will decrease the quantum bit error rate (QBER) and improve the efficiency of a polarization encoding QKD system. In this paper, we proposed a polarization-basis tracking scheme using only unveiled sifted key bits while performing error correction by legitimate users, rather than introducing additional reference light
more » ... r interrupting the transmission of quantum signals. A polarization-encoding fiber BB84 QKD prototype was developed to examine the validity of this scheme. An average QBER of 2.32% and a standard derivation of 0.87% have been obtained during 24 hours of continuous operation.
doi:10.1364/ol.42.001023 pmid:28295082 fatcat:cu2q2pusxzexrnzeeian5bgpm4