Supporting intercultural collaboration with dynamic feedback systems

E. Ilana Diamant, Brian Y. Lim, Andy Echenique, Gilly Leshed, Susan R. Fussell
2009 Proceedings of the 27th international conference extended abstracts on Human factors in computing systems - CHI EA '09  
Intercultural collaboration is often hampered by the manner in which teams communicate, or fail to communicate, their ideas, concerns, and feelings. Computer-mediated communication and the virtual nature of collaboration tend to exacerbate such communication issues into problems of conversation dominance, misattribution, and group conflict. New communication tools have the potential to mitigate some of these problems by augmenting individuals' and team's awareness of their communication inputs
more » ... nd processes. We explore how such feedback affects the communication content, attention distribution, and affective states of Chinese and American collaborators engaged in a creative design task. We describe our tool, present preliminary findings from an ongoing lab experiment, and discuss next steps in our research regarding ways of detecting the impact of real-time conversation feedback in intercultural collaboration environments.
doi:10.1145/1520340.1520607 dblp:conf/chi/DiamantLELF09 fatcat:yku2ki2odrdwtdrl46w4nn5ola