Oxide Superconducting Current Lead. Bi-2212 Current Lead for a Cryocooler-Cooled Superconducting Magnet
酸化物超伝導電流リード 冷凍機直冷式超電導マグネット用Bi‐2212酸化物電流リード

Kazutaka YAMAMOTO, Yutaka YAMADA, Hiroko ONODA
1995 TEION KOGAKU (Journal of Cryogenics and Superconductivity Society of Japan)  
We have developed a Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x(Bi-2212) current lead for a 10T NbTi/Nb3Sn magnet cooled by a cryocooler. The Bi-2212 bulk used in the lead was fabricated by a floating zone melting method with a CO2 laser. The grain-aligned microstructure along the longitudinal direction of the bulk, exhibited better magnetic field dependence of the critical current density Jc below 50K. This implies that the Bi-2212 lead is useful even in a high leakage field, when the high temperature end is connected to
more » ... the 50K stage of a cryocooler. Moreover, an inner flexible copper portion was designed to reduce the thermal contraction difference. In the 10T magnet, a pair of these leads successfully transported 130 Amp. at a leakage field of 0.35T, which corre sponded to a 10T field. The heat load to the 4K stage was 45mW, which was 1/10 of conven tional Cu leads and was enough small for a cryocooler.
doi:10.2221/jcsj.30.572 fatcat:rim7x6vfbfewpeysd2oigd3wce