An agent-based architecture for an adaptive human-robot interface

K. Kawamura, P. Nilas, K. Muguruma, J.A. Adams, Chen Zhou
2003 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the  
This paper describes an innovative agent-based architecture for mixed-initiative interaction between a human and a robot that interacts via a graphical user interface (GUI). Mixed-initiative interaction typically refers to a flexible interaction strategy between a human and a computer to contribute what is best-suited at the most appropriate time [1] . In this paper, we extend this concept to human-robot interaction (HRI). When compared to pure humancomputer interaction, HRIs encounter
more » ... l difficulty, as the user must assess the situation at the robot's remote location via limited sensory feedback. We propose an agent-based adaptive human-robot interface for mixed-initiative interaction to address this challenge. The proposed adaptive user interface (UI) architecture provides a platform for developing various agents that control robots and user interface components (UICs). Such components permit the human and the robot to communicate missionrelevant information.
doi:10.1109/hicss.2003.1174288 dblp:conf/hicss/KawamuraNMAZ03 fatcat:fkzspss355c6hmj77xumcz76vm