"Salvage Therapy of Infected Wounds of the Extremities Using 5% Acetic Acid and Povidone Iodine"

SM Rabiul Islam
2017 Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research  
Aim: Infected surgical wounds of extremities increase patient mortality and morbidity, with extended hospital stay and significant economic burden. Bone and joint infections pose a formidable challenge to the orthopedic surgeon. Salvage therapy of infected wounds of the extremities using 5% acetic acid and providone iodine. Objective: To determine outcome of infected surgical wounds treated with 5% acetic acid and povidone iodine, and to reduce burden of costly systemic antibiotic therapy and
more » ... nd out an alternate way of infected wound management. Method: 20 patients 16 male and 4 female average age 45years range 25 to 65yeras with infected extremities wounds were treated in which half of the patients were treated by 5% acetic acid (Group A) and half were treated with povidone iodine (Group B). Results: The average age of patients was 45 years with male to female ratio 4:1. In-group A the wound healing was 76% and in-group B it was 54% after three weeks. But at the end of 6th week 98% healing was seen in group A while 83% healing was seen in group B. Conclusion: Surgical infected wounds of extremities treated with 5% acetic acid reduce patient morbidity, hospital stay and economic burden.
doi:10.26717/bjstr.2017.01.000487 fatcat:iirzu7r5ynauzn43c7jvzn7ewa