Improved Class-Based Coding of Multispectral Images With Shape-Adaptive Wavelet Transform

M. Cagnazzo, S. Parrilli, G. Poggi, L. Verdoliva
2007 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters  
In this letter, we improve the class-based transformcoding scheme proposed by Gelli and Poggi for the compression of multispectral images. The original spatial-coding tools, 1-D discrete cosine transform and scalar quantization, are replaced by shape-adaptive wavelet transform and set partitioning in hierarchical trees. Numerical experiments show that the improved technique outperforms the original one for medium-to highquality compression and is consistently superior to all reference
more » ... . Index Terms-Compression, multispectral, segmentation, shape-adaptive wavelet transform (SAWT).
doi:10.1109/lgrs.2007.900696 fatcat:o7xgvckx2vbxlfje67gtxfgpc4