Catalase-Biomimetic Sensor on Base of Electrochemical Electrode TPhPFe(III)/Al2O3/Pb and TPhPFe(III)/Al2O3/Si

Malikova Nurana, Ali-zadeh Nahmad, Tofik Nagiev
2015 Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering  
It was developed biomimetic electrodes catalase type based on Pb and Si, which for a long time do not lose their activity. Prepared biomimetic sensors compared with their biological counterparts have a number of technological advantages-availability, low cost and ease of process design. With the help of electrode there have been determined low concentrations of H 2 O 2 in the water solution and pH-changes of the investigated solutions have been shown.
doi:10.17265/1934-7375/2015.01.010 fatcat:jbmcbacgx5hsnhyhgijubzi444