Bottle Attachment

1887 Scientific American  
This device is adapted for use in the keeping of ac counts between a storekeeper and his customer. The case is arranged to receive and hold two sets of checks, one representing dollars and the other fractional parts of a dollar. The thickness of the cheeks varies in ac- cordfLDce with the amount which they represent-as, for instance, the ten cent 'checks are twice as thick as the five cent ones, while the twenty-five cent checks are five times as thick .. Each set of checks is passed upward by
more » ... spiral spring, above which is placed a block carrying a pointer ranging along a scale as shown in Fig. 1 . As goods are bought, the checks represent iDg their value are removed from the case, and pointers Will then show the exact amount the customer owes in dollars and cents. For instance, Fig. 1 sho ws that $16.35
doi:10.1038/scientificamerican04021887-210d fatcat:ue4z3ehywjf4rdvn5nbeshlgam