A Review Paper on Introduction to MANET

Chamkaur Singh, Vikas Gupta, Gurmeet Kaur
2014 International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technoloy  
Mobile Ad hoc network is network where nodes communicate without any central administration or network structure. They are interconnected through wireless mediums and can use multiple hops to change data with them. Routing protocols are required for communication and synchronization in such Ad hoc networks, where it targets efficient and timely delivery of message. The DSR is a simple and efficient routing protocol designed specifically for use in multi-hop wireless ad hoc networks of mobile
more » ... es. DSR allows the network without the need for any existing network infrastructure or administration.
doi:10.14445/22315381/ijett-v11p208 fatcat:wx2qlukd6vgdrmajhxmb4yu4yy