Speed, legislatures and international treaties: Evidence from Mercosur

Andre Leite Araujo
Political parties and coalitions 1.4. Regionalism 2. Methods 2.1. Survival Analysis 2.2. Qualitative Comparative Analysis 2.3. Process Tracing 2.4. Data 2.4.1. Descriptive statistics 3. Findings 3.1. The effect of domestic variables in the duration of legislative procedures 3.2. Conditions for approving the enlargement of Mercosur 4. Accession of Venezuela and Bolivia 4.1. Context of the Venezuelan accession 4.1.1. Protocol of Venezuela in the Paraguayan Congress 4.2. Context of the Bolivian
more » ... ession 4.2.1. Protocol of Bolivia in the Paraguayan Congress 4.3. Comparison between Venezuelan and Bolivian protocols of accession Conclusions
doi:10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10239 fatcat:6xw5fxzqhbai5jkhme4sfdsktq