The Phonological Features of Non – Arab Workers' Interlanguage in Iraq

Ahmed Dhari Gorji Alobaidi
2020 College of basic education researches journal  
Interlannguge is defined as a type of language used by second or foreign language learners in the process of learning the target language; it is an intermediate phase between first and second language. This study aims at providing a phonological description of the Baghdadi Interlanguage (henceforth BIL ) used by the Bengali workers in Baghdad province , the capital of Iraq. The primary purpose of this study is to substantiate whether this newly emerged variety is an interlanguage or a pidgin ,
more » ... lso to solve many tutorial problems in this variety by identifying the errors of the learners of second language in the field of phonology . Data collection was based on some interviews , accompanied by a list of personal questions with four Bengali workers from both genders ( males and females ) , ( two males and two females ). It is found that this new variety is an interlanguage not a pidgin since the characteristics of interlanguage are achieved in this study throughout the stages of the developments of this newly emerged variety ( interlanguage ). The study also finds that the main phonological differences between the Baghdadi dialect and the interlanguage ( IL ) are in the consonant phonemes rather than the vowel ones.
doi:10.33899/berj.2020.167269 fatcat:o25lb6vvzzawnjpb5acswaag3m