On Probability Characteristics for a Class of Queueing Models with Impatient Customers

Yacov Satin, Alexander Zeifman, Alexander Sipin, Sherif I. Ammar, Janos Sztrik
2020 Mathematics  
In this paper, a class of queueing models with impatient customers is considered. It deals with the probability characteristics of an individual customer in a non-stationary Markovian queue with impatient customers, the stationary analogue of which was studied previously as a successful approximation of a more general non-Markov model. A new mathematical model of the process is considered that describes the behavior of an individual requirement in the queue of requirements. This can be applied
more » ... oth in the stationary and non-stationary cases. Based on the proposed model, a methodology has been developed for calculating the system characteristics both in the case of the existence of a stationary solution and in the case of the existence of a periodic solution for the corresponding forward Kolmogorov system. Some numerical examples are provided to illustrate the effect of input parameters on the probability characteristics of the system.
doi:10.3390/math8040594 fatcat:azsipniilnf2rdo6d5dpinyblm