Research on Stealthy Headphone Detector Based on Geomagnetic Sensor

Ya Liu, Si Chen, Zhihui Luo, Liqing Pan, S.A. Hamouda, M. Mirzaei, Z. Yu
2016 MATEC Web of Conferences  
A kind of stealth headphone detector based on geomagnetic sensor has been developed to deal with the stealth headphones which are small, extremely stealthy and hard to detect. The U.S. PNI geomagnetic sensor is chosen to obtain magnetic field considering the strong magnetic performance of stealth headphones. The earth's magnetic field at the geomagnetic sensor is eliminated by difference between two geomagnetic sensors, and then weak variations of magnetic field is detected. STM8S103K2 is
more » ... as the central controlling chip, which is connected to LED, buzzer and LCD 1602. As shown by the experimental results, the probe is not liable to damage by the magnetic field and the developed device has high sensitivity, low False Positive Rate (FAR) and satisfactory reliability.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/20166102015 fatcat:qiq6y2et7vhezmtvuahs33mnje