Endoscopic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament with quadrupled hamstring tendons

T. Natsu-Ume, K. Shino, K. Nakata, N. Nakamura, Y. Toritsuka, T. Mae
2001 The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery  
A total of 30 patients who underwent endoscopic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament using quadrupled hamstring tendons, through a single drill hole in the femur, had MRI 24 to 28 months after operation. In 18 patients the scans revealed that both the anterior and posterior portions of the graft ran in parallel from the inside of the femoral to the tibial tunnel. In 12, the posterior bundle had moved anteriorly and the anterior bundle could not be identified at the anterodistal
more » ... r of the femoral tunnel. The mean difference in the anterior laxity, when compared with the contralateral knee, was 2.0 ± 1.7 mm and 4.3 ± 2.8 mm for the two types, respectively. Damage to the anterior bundle may occur when using the endoscopic technique because of biomechanical disadvantages, including concentration of loading and repetitive bending stress in the anterior bundle at the opening of the femoral tunnel. J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 2001;83-B:834-7.
doi:10.1302/0301-620x.83b6.11106 pmid:11521924 fatcat:owflud7nzjbhngdxzixyvlm4ri