تفعیل جمالیات الفن الأفریقی فی تصمیم الزجاج الفنی

هاجر سعید حفناوی
2021 مجلة العمارة والفنون والعلوم الإنسانية  
Ancient African art is a very rich art. Some African tribes have left many artistic monuments in many fields of art. African art has brought together many interrelated ideological and symbolic values. This has been achieved with the use of various raw materials related to the natural environment Surrounding these tribes, African art dealt with many artistic themes that carry many unique characteristics such as exaggeration, omission, flatness and abstraction, they also used symbols and human
more » ... ments, especially the African woman in addition to animal elements. Traditional African art had a strong influence on European artists who formed a boom in the development of modern art trends and many artists like: Picasso, Georges Braque and other artists. It also had a significant impact of applied arts which can be utilized also in the field of artistic glass design. The research problem: -The need to reveal the most important artistic characteristics of African art. -The need to explain how the aesthetics of African art have been used in the fields of fine art and applied arts. The research aim: -Activating the aesthetics of African art in the field of artistic glass design. The research assumes that: By studying the characteristics of African arts and their impact on the arts (fine-applied) and defining their aesthetics helps in reaching innovative solutions to enrich the artistic glass design field. The research Methodology: -Descriptive approach: through descriptive study and collecting information on African arts and determine their aesthetics and role in the arts (Fine -Applied). -Experimental Method: Through the technical experiments of innovative design ideas that are suitable in the field of artistic glass design and how to execute them.
doi:10.21608/mjaf.2019.18400.1359 fatcat:uthyukcflnfsjm6vbr5o2ynouu