Prioritising and Linking Business and IT Goals in the Financial Sector

Wim Grembergen, Steven Haes, Hilde Brempt
2007 2007 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07)  
Abstr act IT governance and strategic alignment are issues that are high on the agenda in many organisations. To address those challenges, it is important that an organisation has a good view on its business goals and how IT goals and IT processes support the achievement of those goals. This research is aimed at providing guidance in building up such a cascade of business goals, IT goals and IT processes. This research builds on the list of business goals and IT goals, provided in COBIT4.0, and
more » ... further validates and elaborates this material leveraging the Delphi research method.
doi:10.1109/hicss.2007.444 dblp:conf/hicss/GrembergenHB07 fatcat:mhhzyh6e6vbazg2cbkxuzx2a7m