Green Supply Chain Management [Working Title] [book]

is a teacher of supply chain and logistics management. Dr. Khan achieved his Certified Supply Chain Professional certificate from the United States and successfully completed his PhD in China. Since 2018, Dr. Khan has been affiliated with Tsinghua University as a postdoctoral researcher. He has more than 9 years' core experience of supply chain and logistics at industry and academic levels. He has attended several international conferences and has also been invited as a keynote speaker to
more » ... ent countries. He has published 70+ scientific research papers in different well-renowned international journals and conferences. He is a regular contributor to conferences and workshops around the world. In addition, Dr. Khan has achieved two scientific innovation awards consecutively from the Education Department of Shaanxi Provincial Government, China. Also, Dr. Khan holds memberships in the following well-renowned institutions and supply chain bodies/associations: APCIS, USA; Production and Operations Man-
doi:10.5772/intechopen.79112 fatcat:emasugogorbk7jqjmlwdc7yqtm