Awareness about Medicinal application of Gold Nanoparticles among Dental Students

Dhanraj Ganapathy, Professor & Head of Department, Department of Prosthodontics, Saveetha Dental College and Hospitals, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, Chennai, India.
2021 International Journal of Dentistry and Oral Science  
Gold nanoparticles offer a wide range of uses, but when monodispersity is required, practical limits become obvious. Over the last 40 years, significant progress has been made in the manufacturing of gold nanoparticles with monodispersity and regulated size. The application of gold nanoparticles in biological and pharmaceutical fields, such as ultrasensitive detection and imaging approaches for bio reorganizing processes, is particularly appealing due to their unique optical features. Aim: This
more » ... survey was conducted for assessing the awareness about medicinal application of Gold nanoparticles amongst dental students. Materials and Method: A cross-section research was conducted with a self-administered questionnaire containing ten questions distributed amongst 100 dental students. The questionnaire assessed the awareness about Gold nanoparticles therapy in medical applications, their anti-cancer properties, biodelivery applications, photothermal effects, DNA detection and Gene Diagnostic properties. The responses were recorded and analysed. Results: 18% of the respondents were aware of the medicinal applications of Gold Nanoparticles .15 % were aware of anticancer properties of Gold Nanoparticles, 13 % were aware of biodelivery applications of Gold Nanoparticles, 10 % were aware of photothermal effects of Gold Nanoparticles, 10% were aware of DNA detection properties of Gold Nanoparticles and, 8 % were aware of Gene Diagnostic properties of Gold Nanoparticles. Conclusion: There is limited awareness amongst dental students about use of Gold nanoparticles therapy in medical applications. Enhanced awareness initiatives and dental educational programmes together with increased importance for curriculum improvements that further promote knowledge and awareness of Gold nanoparticles therapy.
doi:10.19070/2377-8075-21000886 fatcat:ezvzhzq6pnhynjxno35aret5ve