Exchange magnon induced resistance asymmetry in permalloy spin-Hall oscillators

S. Langenfeld, V. Tshitoyan, Z. Fang, A. Wells, T. A. Moore, A. J. Ferguson
2016 Applied Physics Letters  
We investigate magnetization dynamics in a spin-Hall oscillator using a direct current measurement as well as conventional microwave spectrum analysis. When the current applies an anti-damping spin-transfer torque, we observe a change in resistance which we ascribe to the excitation of incoherent exchange magnons. A simple model is developed based on the reduction of the effective saturation magnetization, quantitatively explaining the data. The observed phenomena highlight the importance of
more » ... hange magnons on the operation of spin-Hall oscillators.
doi:10.1063/1.4948921 fatcat:nmdclwrhfvg6hlcspgwlje2rpu