The Contrastive Analysis of Inchoative Aspect of Japanese and Indonesian Language

Elizabeth IHAN Rini, B. Warsito, Sudarno, T. Triadi Putranto
2020 E3S Web of Conferences  
Compound verb –dasu in Japanese language, adverb mulai (start), and adverb baru (just) in Indonesian language are marks of inchoative aspect. This research aims to describe the difference and similarity of those three marks of inchoative aspect. The method applied in this research is intralingual padan method. As the result of the research, it is proven that compound verb –dasu and adverb baru are focusing on the beginning of an activity or alteration, meanwhile adverb mulai (start) is a sign
more » ... the beginning of an event with an exact finished oriented. Compound verb –dasu, adverb mulai (start), and adverb baru can be constructed as activity verb and punctual verb, both volitional and non volitional with animate and inanimate as the subject. Then, the differences are compound verb –dasu shows the beginning of an event that happens suddenly, meanwhile the adverb mulai (start) and baru (just) do not; beside, the adverb mulai (start) can be modified as stative verb, adjective and noun, meanwhile compund verb –dasu can not.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202020207078 fatcat:dadm7bmqtzgcpifagzllbk74ne