Jamming of GNNS signals
Ometanje signala Globalnih navigacionih satelitskih sistema

Ivan Pokrajac, Nadica Kozić, Ana Čančarević, Radiana Brusin
2018 Scientific Technical Review  
GNSS technology has been used for many applications. Beside military applications, GNSS technology is used for mini UAVs -drones. One of the possible approaches for achieving anti-drone capabilities is a jamming receiver of GNSS at drone. The GNNS jammers broadcast jamming signal in the frequency band used for satellite navigation in order to deny service of GNSS. In this paper we have considered the possibility to generate optimal jamming signal to deny service of all GNSS. Some of the results are shown in this paper
doi:10.5937/str1803018p fatcat:div5uyabgbaqfkafej44c4j2z4