Knowledge, attitude and perception of dental practitioners about pulp revascularization or regenerative endodontic procedures in children – A web-based questionnaire survey

Nagaveni NB, Ashwini KS, Chiranjeevi H
2024 Zenodo  
Aim: To evaluate knowledge, attitude and perception of dental practitioners towards pulp revascularization or regenerative endodontic procedures in children for the management of immature, non-vital teeth using a web-based questionnaire survey. Materials and Methods: A questionnaire containing ten questions was prepared and was converted to Google forms which was then circulated to all dental practitioners residing in and around Davangere and Chitradurga District, Karnataka State, India using
more » ... atsApp and Email. Filled questionnaires were received and data was collected, tabulated and subjected to statistical analysis using descriptive statistics. Results: Majority of dental practitioners were not aware of pulp revascularization or regenerative endodontic procedures pertaining to many factors such as in which teeth this procedure is carried out, which medicaments/materials are used in this procedure and which specialist performs the procedure. About 97.9% of practitioners expressed interest in learning information/procedure about pulp revascularization and 92.1% wished to implement this new treatment modality in their clinical practice and to attend educational programmes/workshops regarding this. Conclusion: There is a need for creating and enhancing the level of knowledge, and awareness among dental practitioners towards pulp revascularization procedures by conducting more and more continuing dental educational programmes by local dental organisations in order to save natural smiles of young children.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10689589 fatcat:tlx64m5defaolpqfzsay3immxa