Comets and entropy hydrodynamics: How does evolution violate the 2nd law?

Robert B. Sheldon, Gary Webb, Richard B. Hoover, Gilbert V. Levin, Alexei Y. Rozanov, Nalin C. Wickramasinghe
2013 Instruments, Methods, and Missions for Astrobiology XVI  
Information density can increase locally if one is careful to control the flow of entropy. Not diffusively but through clever use of "invariants of the flow". Replacing entropy with true invariants of the flow, we show how information can be concentrated or "added" consistent with the observation of increasing complexity on the Earth. Analogous to a digital computer made of fluid components, the "calculation" proceeds by clever manipulation of boundary conditions. Magnetized comets possess
more » ... ly the properties needed to produce the simplest entropy invariant, making them a prime candidate for driving evolution. They may also provide the origin of the chirality or "handedness" of life. Thus the Origin-of-life, evolutionary progress paradox can be solved, but at the cost of requiring the universe to be in a highly information-dense initial state.
doi:10.1117/12.2029578 fatcat:ubh35ndqi5bvpgye2xck734ef4