A Proposal for First-Ever Measurement of Coherent Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering [report]

C D Winant, A Bernstein, M P Foxe, C A Hagmann, I Jovanovic, K M Kazkaz, W S Stoeffl
2008 unpublished
We propose to build and deploy a 10-kg dual-phase argon ionization detector for the detection of coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering, which is described by the reaction; ν + (Z,N) → ν + (Z,N), where ν is the scattering neutrino, and (Z,N) is the target nucleus of atomic number Z and neutron number N. Its detection would validate central tenets of the Standard Model. We have built a gas-phase argon ionization detector to determine the feasibility of measuring the small recoil energies (~ 1keV)
more » ... redicted from coherent neutrino scattering, and to characterize the recoil spectrum of the argon nuclei induced by scattering from medium-energy neutrons. We present calibrations made with 55-Fe, a low-energy X-ray source, and report on measurements to date of the recoil spectra from the 2-MeV LINAC Li-target neutron source at LLNL. A high signal-to-noise measurement of the recoil spectrum will not only serve as an important milestone in achieving the sensitivity necessary for measuring coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering, but will break new scientific ground on its own.
doi:10.2172/926015 fatcat:bnjojtjnlvembdud6yihezjdva