P033 The feasibility of remote monitoring in paediatric patients requiring non-invasive positive airway pressure therapy (NIPAPT)

Ross Langley, Alex Thomas, Sakina Dastagir, Ridma Jayarathna, Rishi Pabary
2019 Poster Presentations   unpublished
professionals' (PCP) knowledge of BI, perceptions of their role and current practice. Methods Six databases were searched (MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, CINAHL, Cochrane Library CENTRAL, Web of Science), using terms for 'sleep', 'child/paediatric', 'primary health care', 'general practitioner' and 'health visitor'. Selection criteria included qualitative and/or quantitative studies of PCPs seeing parents or children presenting with paediatric sleep problems or parents/carers of children presenting
more » ... in primary care. The focus is PCP attitudes, knowledge, understanding and practice regarding paediatric sleep management in primary care. SH is leading paper screening and data extraction. A second reviewer BS screened 20% of initial titles/ abstracts, will screen 20% of full texts and will check data extraction. The mixed methods appraisal tool will be used for quality appraisal. A mixed-methods synthesis will include a thematic synthesis of qualitative papers and a narrative synthesis of quantitative papers. Results Database searches resulted in 7578 results, de-duplicated to approximately 5500. Approximately 400 papers were included from title/abstract screening for potential eligibility. Full texts are currently being screened for full eligibility and data is being extracted. Results will be presented at the conference. Discussion A greater understanding of PCP knowledge of BI, perceptions of their role and current practice will identify key areas to inform research to improve the management of paediatric sleep problems in primary care.
doi:10.1136/bmjresp-2019-bssconf.33 fatcat:wxyptu647rfqniyb2l7b3jeojy