Comparison of noise sensitivity and annoyance among the residents of Birjand old and new urban districts

Vahideh Abolhasannejad, Mohammad Monazzam, Narjes Moasheri
2013 Current World Environment  
Noise is a stressor of today man's working and living place. Therefore, the present study was conducted aiming to compare the noise sensitivity and annoyance among the residents of Birjand old and new districts. In this analytical -descriptive study, using Weinstein noise sensitivity scale and the seven point scale of noise annoyance based on ISO 15666 standards we measured the rate of noise sensitivity as one of the attitudinal factors as well as that of noise annoyance among individuals
more » ... d to environmental noise. The result showed that the mean total score of sensitivity was 63.5±16.1. The highest and lowest scores in noise sensitivity subscales associated with "sensitive to noise" and "attitude towards noise in residence" respectively. No significant difference was seen between total score of noise sensitivity in old and new district among both sexes. Between "attitude towards noise control" at illiterate and university education levels significant difference was observed. Also, a significant difference was seen between noise annoyance in the old district and job. The one way analysis of variance showed a significant difference between annoyance degrees and noise sensitivity subscales. This research clearly showed that Most of the heavy traffic areas are located in the old district. Lack of urbanization measures has caused noise pollution and dissatisfaction among the residents. Regarding higher degrees of annoyance in the old district, probably caused by heavier traffic, particularly by motorcycles and narrower streets, we can reduce noise pollution and its subsequent physical and mental disorders by eliminating old and noisy vehicles and expanding urban green spaces.
doi:10.12944/cwe.8.1.04 fatcat:ersz6vadfbcyxo7rvgrzk7hhoa