Research on the Application of Innovative Thinking Training Method in Environmental Design Specialty Teaching

Jun Li
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 4th International Conference on Education Technology, Management and Humanities Science (ETMHS 2018)   unpublished
Art design reflects the form and aesthetics of art in many aspects of society, culture, economics, science and technology, and makes it not only have the aesthetic function but also have the function of using it. Art design first is to serve people, big space environment, small clothing, food, shelter, transportation, use and so on. Art design should be the perfect combination of certain material and spiritual functions in human society. Along with the development of the times, art and design
more » ... ould not only meet people's material needs, but also meet contemporary aesthetic and even humanistic needs. This also forces art education to innovate on the basis of the existing technical education. Thinking training has become the core of art design education. In recent years, all major design institutes have injected innovative thinking training into the curriculum of design education to meet the market demand under the new social situation.
doi:10.2991/etmhs-18.2018.44 fatcat:nwytxk6d7vbn7bna2tenuocday