Changes of microstructure and mechanical properties of the HAZ of the S960MC steel sheet weld joint
Promene mikrostrukture i mehaničkih svojstava u zoni uticaja toplote zavarenog spoja čeličnih traka klase S960MC

Miloš Mičian, Milan Maronek, Radoslav Konar, Daniel Harmaniak, Mihal Jambor, Libor Trško, Jerzy Wincek
2020 Zavarivanje i zavarene konstrukcije  
The TMCP (thermo-mechanically controlled processed) steels belong to the group of ultra-high strength steels, which exhibit exceptional combination of high tensile and yield strength, toughness and ductility. These steels were introduced in the heavy machinery constructions, such as heavy mobile cranes, chassis trucks and other to reduce their weight, what increases their loading capacity and ecology of transport. The high tensile and yield strength of this type of steels is obtained by the
more » ... ination of the chemical composition, heat treatment and the mechanical processing. However, the heat input into the material during the welding significantly affect properties of the steel and the whole joint. In this paper are presented results of mechanical properties evaluation and structural analysis of the welds of the thin sheets made of the S960MC steel, which were welded using the GMAW procedure. The microstructural evaluation referred significant changes in the HAZ. This area contains the three sub-zones, coarse grain (CGHAZ), fine grain (FGHAZ) and intercritical zone (ICHAZ). Analysis of microhardness and the tensile tests results showed, that ICHAZ is the most critical area of the whole welded joint.
doi:10.5937/zzk2003113m fatcat:2q62sxi3tjbvtlc5krdp2c53oq