New Frontiers in Interregional Migration Research [book]

Bianca Biagi, Alessandra Faggian, Isha Rajbhandari, Viktor A. Venhorst
2018 Advances in Spatial Science  
This series contains scientific studies focusing on spatial phenomena, utilising theoretical frameworks, analytical methods, and empirical procedures specifically designed for spatial analysis. Advances in Spatial Science brings together innovative spatial research utilising concepts, perspectives, and methods relevant to both basic science and policy making. The aim is to present advances in spatial science to an informed readership in universities, research organisations, and policy-making
more » ... titutions throughout the world. The type of material considered for publication in the series includes: Monographs of theoretical and applied research in spatial science; state-of-the-art volumes in areas of basic research; reports of innovative theories and methods in spatial science; tightly edited reports from specially organised research seminars. The series and the volumes published in it are indexed by Scopus. More information about this series at
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-75886-2 fatcat:44cmxcfh3zag3lxnyxswjf72ru