Language and Communication in the Pentecostal Church of Nigeria: The Calabar Axis

Mercy I. Ugot, Offiong Ani Offiong
2013 Theory and Practice in Language Studies  
Abstracts-This paper focuses on language use and communication in the Pentecostal church of Nigeria, with particular reference to Calabar in Cross River State. It is observed that language use and communication arises out of the doctrine characteristics of the church. This shapes all aspects of language and communication use in the church including literary devices in preaching and prayers, neologisms, kinetics and the music of the church. There is no doubt that the influence of the church not
more » ... ust in its beliefs and dogmas but in its use of language and communication has had an effect on the Christian community in Calabar. This effect should be used positively.
doi:10.4304/tpls.3.1.148-154 fatcat:7xpaoejes5fjpnvwduqgx65jby