Temperature treatment of soybean meal on intestinal microbial flora in broilers

Mojgan Nahavandinejad,
2012 African Journal of Microbiology Research  
The experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of different temperature treatments of soybean meal on broiler microflora in a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications and a total of 200 strains of Ross rooster. In this experiment, the broilers were fed diets containing raw soybean meal, autoclaved soybean meal (121°C, 20 mi n), autoclaved soybean meal (121°C, 30 min), microwaved soybean meal (46°C, 540 Watt, 7 min) and browned soybean meal (120°C, 20 min).
more » ... The results obtained showed that the temperature treatments improved the cecum microbial population, and the soybean meal (autoclave 20 min) significantly led to increased cecum lactic acid bacteria population of broiler (P<0.01). The results of the comparison of temperature treatments of soybean meal showed that processing did not affect the population of total bacteria, Escherichia coli, Coliforms bacteria, and Lactobacillus bacteria in the cecum of broiler chickens (P>0.05).
doi:10.5897/ajmr11.1594 fatcat:qa3l6rn2o5aczcpc4tfi5doqx4