The Nanaimo Free Press [Thursday, November 26, 1931] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My
Pol>:/^'inve$tigating The jeath Of Two ladiiie On West Coast Of Island ;/ Victoria. N"" i^.-rrovinviil j-.lkx lilts aiurii.Krti rrcfivcd wirt^d from Sentt J"***"« JackMMi. inshiti. Vcrni. Po lice arc ii>n<.»»vinK u|> clues fn tl»i» case Vid e*t*cst to make an aTcesi. Victewia. Nuv. 26.-Police invcittigatinf the shoodinft at K)iiquot of William bivdeaafiT. Indian, and the' diKOvcry of the bi/.lj of Jusiine Jackson. N«xwka {Indian, in a shack near Nootka, are confidem that no connection e*iiu
more » ... reen the two incident*. Jackson was found dead in his cabin erith bruises un his face and neck, ac-ctwdiiiK l-a telraram received by Gm-*tabk \V. r. Ntghtinifale. Indian De partment oiticer stationed at Port Albemv. lt-«" y Jackton. presumably a brother of the dead man. who asked for m.*irtu-tk»fls a* to the disposal of the b*>dr This messsRc was received on N'or. 2) and was passed on to Indian .^gent Cdward F-Kfc*st and Provincial Con-lUblc kfsrkland who sailed from Piwt Alberni b> SS. Princess Maquina for Ryoqoot tM trace yhe man respoosihte for the shooting ot William*. The fact that a d-subk investigation it bring earned cm simultanmosly of fered a link of tangibility which ap pear* t.> base confused the two case*. William was adroiilrd l<» the West «ail Hospital at Port .Mbcmi tm Sot. U and thr rep*'ft giving available de tails of the shi.KJting was forwarded by Indian Agent Frost to W. F. Dhchbonv Inspector of Indian .Agencies for B. C-with offices in Victoria. William was shot presumably while trapping in the vicinity of Kyuquot. The sbcftmg appear«I to be mtenlianal u tiie man was shot f«mr times by a shopruti according to a -report to Ur. Frost Pellets k.-dged in hi* l>avk. r«ht irm. Icf. side, chest and iH-ly. but aoae pien ed the walls of the body. Tbt injured man wa-given imme-dMe attention by Dr. A D Morgan of Piet AlUrnl and he is now rtpt Mr*. wTi. Machlcary street, on Wednes day aflrrn>.*i>. under the *««p»ee> of tfir Pb!*:'! Healtli Kursinu L'ounci!-Uii r A Bansafl, pa*t grcsidem. iSMV.wl Mrs. Brown in receiv ng the: gwtis Mr-c. -A B Hsn'And Mrs. Leighton presided at the beautitully appotntr 1 tea table, wdiile Mis* Vp-shaV, V!,'.' I'arrwbers and Mr» K»ng acted *4 •ernleiirs Mr* Bsm-and Mrs ILsrtihoTnitiwaUe had charge of the f>n:u CiMdimir. aiuf Mrs, .A. L. Smith of the drawng. wdneh was wv*n by Moi Mayliew «:th No hi. Tb* pnrcs I r !hr guessing cuii'.esl were •on *rv Mr. T Sucricer and Ufs. A Matii'ii Arrested Reputed Victoria Boxer Is Not Albie Davies \ iftoria, Nciv. 26.-Eliis Heath Shore, rejmted Victoria boiccr. who was ar rested by tnimigraiion autborhie* in Hetlinglum j eslcrday. .-ev4n»m« -and taken to Seatll. f,jr deportation av having entered t!ie United States illegally .is n«t known here. A rcj«Lirt that he fought tmder the tunic «f .AI-. hie Davies, the >dtrr. is md correct Davies is at ptisent in Victoria and has not hern in the United States sim;c Aagtun, when he fought Sammy Santos in Se attle. AUSTRALIAN HOUSE HAS BEEN DISSOLVED Canbstrrai. Nov. 2$,-PritM Ministar SeiUIia today anaosukcaei dsMola-tioB of iba Houa of RapraaanUrtraa and isaU of iba Saisala. and that tha elactieiu for both hmuM will ha baU Dae. 19. micTSEm OrWOEDIMlESS IT DMS Paris. N'.>v. 2r>-'•Unless the world disarm* it will perish," Lord Cecil of Chelw'ood. told one thousand delegates w, of world pOkce organizations at the •ell known ksral | of the International Confer ence on Ihsarmament here ti>day. "We believe in International disamiamciit and are annkra* to have a demnn»lraiif>n 'h.»wing the will of the pcf>-I pic of the world and expressing their ide-Tc for It." S.AJrd Cecil said Bmiirm HUET TMDE PlEEl
doi:10.25316/ir-17436 fatcat:6onsofdrk5f4vk67j3pr2koswq