Statutory Regulation of Popular Participation in the Maintenance of Public Order: Comparative Analysis of the Russian and Kazakhstan Experience
Нормативно-правовое регулирование участия населения в охране общественного порядка: сравнительный анализ опыта России и Казахстана

D.O. Novikov
2017 Vestnik Povolzhskogo instituta upravleniya  
statutory regulation of popular participation in the maintenance of puBlic order: comparatiVe analysis of the russian and kazakhstan experience The substantive legal framework of popular participation in the public order maintenance in the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan is considered. The necessity to establish partnership between the public and the state to strengthen civil society foundations is analyzed. Foreign practices are studied to form the lines of further development in this field.
more » ... Key words and word-combinations: public order, international experience of legal regulation, the interaction of society with the police. Д.О. Новиков, ассистент кафедры теории и истории государства и права Юридического института Красноярского государственного аграрного университета (
doi:10.22394/1682-2358-2017-2-45-51 fatcat:uuhtwl7agra6fcd6n6qvisc5ee