International Journal of Medical Science and Education An official Publication of Association for Scientific and Medical Education (ASME) Original Research Article A GAME BASED LEARNING ACTIVITY IN CLASSROOM ON G PROTEIN SIGNALLING AMONG FIRST YEAR MEDICAL STUDENTS

Tandra Ghosh, Miss Suchitra Dutta   unpublished
Due to vastly diverse and complex nature of information which are to be acquired during medical degree studies, as it possesses an utmost challenge both for the learners as well as the educators to excel in effective teaching and learning. But it is beyond doubt that, students should be taught with active and sustainable learning strategies at each step of medical study period. The irony is still exist as the most widely practice method is didactic form of teaching in classroom which provide
more » ... h very minimum scope of eliciting effectiveness of productive teaching or student learning. To diversify the teaching repertoires beyond traditional didactics, one form that is gaining momentum, is the use of educational games, which is presently practiced minimally for class room teaching. Method: the attempts have been undertaken to elicit the effectiveness of teaching strategies by combining educational game with didactic lecture in classroom to impart target knowledge regarding G protein signalling process, using interactive non-competitive, educational puzzle in small peer groups with didactic lecture sessions. Result: The result/ outcome reflected in this process that the game was more beneficial than didactic lecture alone to the students in classroom. Seventy five students (75) out of total eighty four students (84) has reported the that the learning experience by the game based activity has helped in better understanding of the topic than didactic lecture alone. Conclusion: Imparting the knowledge involving educational games can better ensure active student participation and resulting in more effective understanding as well as developing a growth mindset.