Population Growth and Its Pressure on Available Natural Resources; the African Situation

Benson Polycarp, Ahmed Y. Ubangari
2014 IOSR Journal of Environmental Science Toxicology and Food Technology  
The world population has been increasing despite measures for control; African situation seems to get worst in spite of researches available to her, the practicesfor use of such resources so far has been unsustainable. This paper looks at the stages of world population growth with attention on Africa, resource pressure with emphasis on land resources, water resources, food supply and how resources pressure led to biodiversity loss, pollution etc. and the need to identify that these things are
more » ... t getting any better despite the global anthem on control and sustainable use of resources. It however concludes that African resources should not be seen as a curse to the continent, but it should copy from the mistake of the developed nations and set things right for the future generation so as to avoid the catastrophe thatbe felled the develop world and protect our common wealth.
doi:10.9790/2402-08231215 fatcat:ayimtzeeqnfxrpcqbwymfyyhqu