Comparative study of low-pass filter and phase-locked loop type speed filters for sensorless control of AC drives

Dong Wang, Kaiyuan Lu, Peter Omand Rasmussen, Zhenyu Yang
2017 China Electrotechnical Society Transactions on Electrical Machines and Systems  
High quality speed information is one of the key issues in machine sensorless drives, which often requires proper filtering of the estimated speed. This paper comparatively studies typical low-pass filters (LPF) and phase-locked loop (PLL) type filters with respect to ramp speed reference tracking and steady-state performances, as well as the achievement of adaptive cutoff frequency control. An improved LPF-based filter structure with no ramping and steady-state errors caused by filter
more » ... quantization effects is proposed, which is suitable for applying LPF for sensorless drives of AC machines, especially when fixed-point digital signal processor is selected e.g. in mass production. Furthermore, the potential of adopting PLL for speed filtering is explored. It is demonstrated that PLL type filters can well maintain the advantages offered by the improved LPF. Moreover, it is found that the PLL type filters exhibit almost linear relationship between the cutoff frequency of the PLL filter and its proportional-integral (PI) gains, which can ease the realization of speed filters with adaptive cutoff frequency for improving the speed transient performance. The proposed filters are verified experimentally. The PLL type filter with adaptive cutoff frequency can provide satisfactory performances under various operating conditions and is therefore recommended. Index Terms-Adaptive cutoff frequency, low-pass filter, machine sensorless drive, phase-locked loop, speed filter, static error His research interests include theory and application of fault detection and diagnosis, fault tolerant control, hybrid system modeling and control, nonlinear system identification and control, and industrial applications of advanced control theory and plant-wide automation for energy systems.
doi:10.23919/tems.2017.7961343 fatcat:ujc52y5euzhk5gilpb5bhk6cbi