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Susan Stanford Friedman
2019 K&K: kultur og klasse  
This article gives a critical overview over risks inherent in comparison, –risks of inequality between the two compared phenomena, the risk of using a normative standard, derived from one work or context for the evaluation of another work or another context, the risk of reducing the uniqueness of a work to generic or topical dimensions etc. However, the article moves on to make a strong argument for the necessity of comparison. It suggests the development of a more dynamic, dialectic and
more » ... nal form of comparison. The article argues that any comparison is full of contradictory movements and therefore argues that a modern comparative method should focus on incommensurable juxtapositions, on contrapuntal opposition and reciprocity.
doi:10.7146/kok.v47i127.114742 fatcat:4lf6p5jscndfffivekebmgswpi