Corporate View on Sustainability: A Research in the Province of Konya

Meral Erdirencelebi, Abdullah Oktay Dundar
2012 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
The purpose of this study is to put forth the view of companies active in the province of Konya on the subject of sustainability; their existing activities on sustainability and their future expectations and intentions relating to this topic. In line with this, sustainability has been examined from its evaluation as a concept to its preparation as a strategic roadmap, from data collection to its reporting. In conclusion, it was determined that sustainability at the present time was seen as
more » ... tant from the viewpoint of companies in terms of economic factors yet at the same time in terms of its social and environmental dimensions, was considered from the perspective of legal sanctions.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2012.09.205 fatcat:av4lakqusbeyzma5rnhiqqrjzq