1402 キャンパスPKI普及促進に資する認証局コスト構造の可視化検討(一般セッション)
1402 A Study about Visualization of Certificate Authority Cost Structure for Campus PKI Deployment

Toshihiko MORIYA, Shigeaki TANIMOTO
Although the Internet which has accomplished rapid progress in recent years is convenient and efficient , the negative sides , such as a threat of a virus and unauthorized access , are also actualized , In order that these threats may realize not an exception but safe and secure Internet environment also in scientific envtronment , construction of a public key infrastructure ( PKI) is desired, but the deployment is not sufficient . Generally it is said that PKI is high cost structure , and it
more » ... one of the reasons to PKI deployment. This paper clarifies cost structure in PKI quantitatively , and contributes
doi:10.14914/spm.2011.autumn.0_221 fatcat:bau4www7mre77gd6bbtwgyl5gu