A Physical Model of the Interphase Boundary of the Passivating Layer on the Metal in the Electrolyte Solutions

Saif A. Mouhammad, Ayman F. Amer
2014 Oriental Journal of Chemistry  
INTRODUCTION The mechanism of processes on the interphase boundary of the passivating oxide layer PL has a fundamental value, whereas, the properties of the passivating layer are determined by them.In this paper a consistent model of the boundary metal-oxide MO is presented. General stationary laws. On the interphase boundary of metal with PL, the continuous dissolutionof metal occurs.it disappears consecutively monolayer after a monolayer and the cells of oxide occupy its place. if at time t
more » ... he layer of metal M of thickness x disappears, then the plane MO displaces in its side with the speed v, equals ABSTRACT The model of processes on the interphase boundary metal-passivating layer is proposed. The balance of ions upon the formation of the cells of oxide is examined. The velocity expressions of these processes are obtained.
doi:10.13005/ojc/300235 fatcat:7jla2tmtgffidbyh4j7lpa6nnu