Metodología para definir las competencias genéricas docentes con base al mapa curricular y referentes institucionales

Mirna Salmerón Guzmán, Blanca Tovar Corona, Juan Antonio Jaramillo Gómez
2014 Ciencia y Tecnología  
In education it is necessary to consider the three main actors: students, teachinglearning process and teachers. Therefore, it is not enough to define the specific and generic skills for the student, to establish the strategies of the teaching-learning process that will provide knowledge and abilities that students will require to obtain the defined profile of the career they are studying, but it is also necessary to define the specific and generic skill of the teachers to be compatible with
more » ... se of the students in order to align the three actors. This paper shows a proposal of the methodology that allows to define the generic skills for the teacher based on the curriculum map, career profile, educational model and academic model. This has been done specifically for the particular case of those teaching in Automotive Systems Engineering at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN). Four skills are defined. Besides, three of them are compared with those established for the Baccalaureate National System with the purpose of validating congruence between both educative levels, and because the authors have not found official documents in México that define the teacher skills at this level. The fourth skill in not compared with the mentioned system because it defines particular characteristics of ISISA.
doi:10.18682/cyt.v1i14.198 fatcat:qphr2xdt7jab7p4tpfxm4cpyxm