The impact of the shadow economy on the country's financial security

Oleg Meleshko, Nataliia Prokopenko, Olena Gudz, A. Zheltenkov, A. Mottaeva
2021 E3S Web of Conferences  
The article is devoted to determining the features of the shadow economy's impact on financial security. For this purpose the following are carried out: generalization of calculation indicators in the shadow economy; influence assessment level of the shadow economy on the volume of gross domestic product (further-GDP); based matrix paired correlation coefficients integral indicator of financial security and factors of shadow economy by various methods; conducted surveillance on the dynamics of
more » ... he integral index of financial security and the level of the shadow economy, calculated using monetary means and integral measure of financial security of cash in UAH and the dollar; investigated the interconnection statistical indicators and indicators of financial security dynamics of cash in the economy; evaluated the safety performance of non-banking financial market and the volume of cash in dollar terms in dynamics; Then a matrix construction paired correlation coefficients tax rate component of financial security and the coefficients of the shadow economy, estimated by different methodological approaches; monitored security tax rate and share of loss-making enterprises and statistical significance is estimated regression equation pair of security and tax number of unprofitable enterprises.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202128407005 fatcat:ksp5f2hzefdmbfcetgfq6uw7ay