Microring Resonators Based on 6x6 Generalized Multimode Interference Structures using Silicon Waveguides for Photonic Applications

Trung-Thanh Le, Cao-Dung Truong
2012 International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications  
In this paper, we would like to propose a new microring resonator structure based on 6x6 Generalized Mach Zehnder interfero meter (GM ZI) using silicon waveguides. It is showed that this new kind of the devices works as three separated microring resonators. This characteristic of the device leads to a variety of tasks important to optical co mmun ications, including switching, filtering, add-drop multip lexing, sensing and modulation. In our study, silicon waveguides are used for designing the
more » ... roposed devices. The transfer matrix method (TMM) and the three dimensional beam propagation methods (3D-BPM) are used to optimally design the device. Technology. His research interests include all-optical signal processing circuits and quantum communications. Cao-Dung Truong (1980-), male, PhD student, received the BSc and M.Sc degrees in electronic and telecommun ication engineering fro m Hanoi Un iversity of Science and Technology, Vietnam in 2003 and 2005, respectively. He is now working towards the PhD degree
doi:10.5815/ijisa.2012.06.07 fatcat:rdbsipdakbh3hfbghfho32uejy