Assessment of Weed Management Competency of Field Assistants in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Asif Nawaz, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, Rehmat Ullah, Arshad Farooq, Abdul Hassan
2020 Sarhad Journal of Agriculture  
| Weeds can cause significant decrease to the crop yields therefore; it is crucial for the Field Assistants to be competent in providing extension services to the farming community regarding weeds management. Thus, this study was conducted to assess the weeds management competency level of Field Assistants of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agriculture Extension Department. Data from 234 randomly selected Field Assistants were collected through pre-tested and validated interview schedule to achieve study
more » ... ectives. Results showed that highest ranked weeds management competencies at possessed level were familiarity with the names of commonly occurring weeds, ability to identify various types of weeds and aware about indirect weeds control methods. Moreover, it was found that Field Assistants required highest training needs in familiarity with biological weed control followed by critical threshold level of weeds and critical period of weed competition. Findings of Rank Based Quotient revealed that lack of promotion, training opportunities and incentives or motivation were the top most constraints that respondents faced in building the required competencies. Therefore, it is a dire need to provide practical in-service training to the Field Assistants in the identified areas for the adequate acquisition of weeds management competency. Moreover, there is need to minimize the identified constraints so that the Field Assistants could acquire the requisite weed management competency and provide beneficial recommendations to the farming community.
doi:10.17582/journal.sja/2020/36.3.798.805 fatcat:itr22cvbl5auxngl5iiz2hukbq