Dr. Sayed Fasih Ahmed Hashmi, Dr. Ambreen Haidar
The Professional Medical Journal
ORIGINAL PROF-2959 ABSTRACT... OBJECTIVE: The target of this study to focus, vitamin D level is the significant risk factors for the patients with cardio vascular disease at Liaquat University Hospial Hyderabad / Jamshoro. Materialand Methods: This observational study was done at cardiology department of Liaquat University Hospital Hyderabad. All the cases with history of congenital heart disease, pregnancy, malignancy, renal failure and chronic liver disease, were excluded from the study.
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... ete medical history was taken, and major risk factors of the cardiovascular disease including, diabetes, smoking, family history, hypertension, hypercholestremia, dyslipidemia and history of alcohol consumption and others were documented. Serum VD level was tested by blood samples from research laboratory of Liaquat Medical hospital Hyderabad, and all the results were noted on the Performa according to the risk factors. Consequences of VD level were arranged by criteria, that's taken from the study of Satish Karur etal. 10 Results: Total 100 patients were incorporated in the study with the mean age of 48.2+ 12.4. Male were found in the majority. According to distribution of heart disease of his study ischemic heart disease had noted commonest58%. In the hypertensive patients VD deficiency had noted in 39. 63%. In smoker patients VD deficiency was noted in 52.77%. In patients with hypercholestremia 50.0%, Alcoholic patients were found with deficiency of VD were 50.0%. In patients with obesity 57.14%. In the diabetic patients deficiency 15.0%, insufficiency 50.0% and sufficiency was seen 35.0%. In the Patients of dyslipidemia deficiency5.0%, insufficiency 50.0% and sufficiency was seen 45.0%. Patients with family history of cardiovascular disease having deficiency 25.0% of the cases, insufficiency 12.50% while sufficiency in 62.50% in the cases. Conclusion: In this study we concluded that VD deficiency in one of the major risk factor for cardiovascular disease; its possible association was found in this study with many risk factors of heart diseases. Like our study there is very need of experimental and prospective more studies, to find out the mechanism undergoing increasing cardiovascular risk, and prevent the cardiovascular disease. Article Citation: Hashmi SFA, Haidar A. Vitamin D association; major risk factors of cardiovascular disease. Professional Med J 2015;22(10):