The Nanaimo Free Press [Friday, April 20, 1923] [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, University, My
fI lu ; T j^ 'w * FIFl lETH YEAR. mumt^ §rtt Jress g MillHEilS INCONTMOF ' COmiNlSTS h II«cuW a m t rtH aeclor Charles Johnson an-j Tl nounced no more endurance dancing tlon contests would be permitted. The men's champlomihlp Is held by Arthur B. Klein, who danced for M hours and 12 minutes. Dondon, April 20-Lt.066: Capt. C. Liberal. 6740; P. F. Pollard. 1420. The vacancy waa due to the eleva-■ House of Lord* of Via-SECOND liDIi OrPROHMION BILLISEAm METHODIHT Tll.A.\NFEIt8 Toronto. April 20-At
more » ... meeting of the tranafer committee of the Methodist church here today, H. J. Arrattage. of London. Out., waa or dered to Urltleh Columbia dlatrlct. and H. B. Uvlngstono. of British Col a. was ordered to London. APPIjf» PX>B .M»1UBB8UU> Geneva. April 20-The Irish Free Stale has applied for memtiershlp In the I-oague of Nations. 8p.w!al* This Month-1x6 .No. 2 sblplap. 216.00. 6-8x4 abort colllag. short flooring. 1x6 abort siding. 220.00, delivered at these prices srhen the order amounts to 226.00. New Ladysmith Lumber Co.. Ltd. «6-It Mr. C. O. B. Doneaa. of the 'Brit count Windsor, Conservative, who returned In the last general elec tion by a maJorUy of 6*02. Much Interest was taken In this contest llcuUrly In view of eeverai reoeot flections having gone against the Government. Follow B. C. In Way Of Forest Preservation London. April 20-l*ih Iraenger steamer Great Wetr slowly down from Waterford, says'aa EMonlng .News despatch -from Fishguard. The staner sa cs i.ed wUhont casualdaL Quebic. April 20-In connection with Brillah Columbia "Save the foresla week" Dr. .E. L. Melville. Dechane. Deputy Minister of forest*. said Ust night bis deportment waa ea against British aware what the province of British Columbia was doing but this Prov ince hod not been apptxvached offi cially to Join In the movement. I>r. Dochene Intimated that an eduas Is being LEADER IRISH IRREGULARS IS DNDER ARREST
doi:10.25316/ir-5905 fatcat:ebmggyzztvdtxl63zmk4v73qyq